I have had an obsession that started about 3 years ago. It's called online selling. I dabbled several years ago in selling junk I found around the house or at the local thrift store and found that it really excited me. My sons have a print on demand business so the Etsy world was constantly in front of me.

Etsy and I have had our ups and downs. I am not a big seller even though I devote about every spare moment to tinkering in my store and watching Etsy guru videos. I have tried selling many different items shirts, tumbler, earrings, cake toppers, etc. Its like an algorithm puzzle that I feel like I will never understand or figure out.
My obsession started when I retired from teaching - which kept me unbelievably busy most of the time. I am a nervous person that needs to keep busy all of the time to keep my depression at bay. I drive my family absolutely crazy but they have been incredibly supportive of my Etsy journey. They have been there to celebrate with me when the "cha-ching" of a sale sounds on my phone. They have been there to dry my eyes when I got a bad review. They razz me about not paying attention to what's going on around me because I'm looking at Etsy. They are the best cheerleaders anyone could ask for.
So I keep experimenting and trying new things. I certainly don't have all the answers, but if there is any way I could help someone new to this Etsy journey, I would be glad to help.